Introducing StoryCause

By: Drew Clancy

Introducing StoryCause

The power of story has transformed our organization. With the launch of StoryCause, we are dedicating ourselves to serving as your guide to allow story to transform yours. Our goal is to advance your ability to engage donors, build deeper relationships, and drive transformational giving. 

As human beings, our need to connect, tell stories, and share our oral tradition runs deep. Our stories reflect our history and our humanity. They connect us at our core, to both the past and the future.

Right now, across the world, there are millions of untold stories lying dormant in the hearts and minds of your donors. Stories of meaning, inspiration, love, and connection.

Uncovering, preserving, and sharing those stories is what StoryCause is all about.

To date, our sister organization PCI has collected more than 1 million stories from university alumni and donors. For over 100 years, PCI has focused on capturing data for our client partners. This data drives better contact rates. We update business profiles, family profiles, academic profiles, giving profiles, key interests, and much more. This updated data enables our partners to better fulfill their missions. 

Three years ago, we began capturing stories and everything began to change. We recognized immediately that hearing the donor’s inspiration, priorities, and how your mission has impacted their life was a game-changer.

In philanthropy, stories are how we communicate our mission and our impact. To quote a recent article by Dr. Russell James, “Whatever road we take, the destination is the same. At the heart of any social cooperative behavior is story. At the heart of philanthropy is story. At the heart of fundraising is story.”

Stories play a critical role in how we teach and how we learn. Stories are an important tool we use to describe our life experiences in a context others will understand. Stories have been used for generations to pass down knowledge.  

Our goal is to capture every donor’s “why.” StoryCause is focused on having authentic conversations with donors and asking the right questions to capture donor intent, state of consideration, and desired impact. By telling their story about why your mission matters to them, donors connect with you in a meaningful way.  

With every story collected, with each person touched, we reaffirm and strengthen the relationships these donors have with you. Relationships that keep them more engaged, more connected, and more willing to financially support the nonprofit organizations that have profoundly impacted their lives.

We have developed programs that leverage our extensive expertise with the telephone channel and focus on some key development areas:

  • Planned Giving Lead Generation
  • Grateful Patient Acquisition
  • Donor Story Capture and Survey
  • Sustaining Donor Programs
  • Donor Stewardship Programs
  • Mid-Level Donor Portfolio Management
  • Oral History Publications/Giving Programs

Our advanced technology platforms enable us to translate conversations to text. This allows our Donor Care Team to be completely present in the conversation with each donor, rather than be distracted with keying and summarizing responses.  

This content provides a wealth of information that can be used in sentiment analysis, marketing content, personalized outreach, and shaping campaigns to specific donor interests. 

We have brought together a team of industry experts with a combined 50+ years serving nonprofits. Our Donor Care Team has years of experience, guiding donors to share their stories and act as an extension of your Development team. Our sophisticated approach to communication ensures every donor has what we refer to as a “wow” experience. I encourage you to visit our site and learn more

I encourage you to read about our services and reach out with any questions you may have.